POWERstation Desktop is a front-end patient registration workstation for your Practice Management (PM) and EMR systems. Using a document scanner, signature pad, magnetic card reader, digital camera and Optical Character Recognition, POWERstation transforms patient registration into an entirely digitized process, virtually eliminating paperwork while instantly making new patient records available throughout your network.
POWERstation Desktop will scan driver's licenses and insurance cards, convert them into typed text, and send the data to your PM and EHR systems. It allows you to capture enough patient information to perform an on-demand insurance eligibility verification in about a minute without ever touching the keyboard.
Verify address changes, process credit card payments, capture patient signatures on required forms, setup recurring budget payments, print clipboard forms, and more. POWERstation Desktop automates what your practice management sytem doesn't.
From "Hello" to Verified in 60 Seconds Watch How